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May 25, 2021
- Energy
- In Canada, we oversee the movement of ENERGY across borders
- The kind of energy that flows through pipelines.
- The kind of energy that heats our homes
- powers our games
- and lets us travel.
- We updated our Pipelines Profile web portal with advanced tech
- Showing what’s flowing through Canadian pipelines.
- We help answer your questions…
- Where do refineries get their oil?
- What’s happening in Canadian energy markets?
- Our goal?
- To bring accessible energy information to all Canadians.
- For more information visit: www.cer-rec.gc.ca
The Canada Energy Regulator took another big leap this year by pairing advances in technology with information. It's now easier than ever for Canadians to access our online content through our Pipeline Profiles portal.
“Searching through online data is like looking through stacks of books. Sometimes if you don’t know where to begin looking, it can be confusing,” said Margaret Skwara, Program Manager, Pipeline Information Program. “Our web portal lets users to see what’s available in one place and better understand the large and interconnected pipeline systems we regulate.”
In this latest version, new tools such as interactive charts and dashboards help the website load faster and use less bandwidth, giving Canadians living in remote communities easier access to the information. Other new features include recent data compared to historical trends and maps to show point locations.
“No one else puts this type of information together like we do. You can only find it here,” adds Skwara. “We want to be one of the best, free open-data sources available anywhere, and the first place Canadians look for information about energy systems and pipelines.”
It’s starting to catch on. Pipeline traffic data has become the top download on Open Gov with more than 6,000 downloads since posting over three years ago.
Open pipeline data can allow for a fuller understanding of issues and trends and help Canadians understand how energy in Canada is changing. For example, along with providing data on the movement of energy, key points on the system show trends such as how oil pipeline flows are recovering from COVID-19 pandemic lows in 2020 or how the Maritimes are importing natural gas for local consumption.
“This latest update is just the start. The Pipeline Profiles portal will be redesigned this summer with more information and an even better user experience,” added Skwara. “Our goal is to be a one stop shop for CER regulated pipelines.”
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