Canada Energy Regulator – 2023–24 Departmental Results Report – Supplementary Information Tables – Details on transfer payment programs

Details on transfer payment programs

Grants and contributions in support of Indigenous Peoples’ and stakeholder participation in CER activities, including adjudication, engagement, and safety and environmental oversight.

Start date: 6 December 2022, subsuming prior Participant Funding established in 2010

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates.

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022-23

Link to departmental result(s): Energy adjudication processes are accessible.

Link to the department’s program inventory: In 2023-24, the following DRF programs were supported by Grants and/or Contributions:

  • Infrastructure, Tolls and Export Application
  • Regulatory Framework
  • Indigenous Engagement
  • Energy System Information

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program:

The purpose of the Regulator’s Grants and Contributions program is to provide grants and/or contributions to enable the Regulator’s departmental results and commitment in the preamble of the CER Act to Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

The overarching objective is to support public and Indigenous Peoples’ participation in the Regulator’s assessments of non-designated projects; to enable relationship-building and Indigenous involvement in lifecycle activities; to fulfill the Crown duty to consult with Indigenous Peoples; to gather meaningful input to inform policy development and work; and to promote and disseminate research and support establishment of relevant research networks.

Note: The new funding streams authorized under the updated Terms and Conditions (T&C) were not in effect until 1 April 2023.

Results achieved:

DRF Measure I4: Percentage of surveyed participant funding recipients who agree that participant funding enabled their participation in an adjudication process.

  • Target of 90%, met with 95% (20 of 21 agreed)

Horizontal initiatives performance indicator: Percentage of recipients who agree that funding enabled their participation in the activities for which funding was provided (i.e., adjudication processes, Crown consultation activities, policy dialogue, lifecycle oversight activities, Indigenous advisory committees, and research.)

  • Target is 90%, met with 100% (6 of 6 agreed)

Findings of audits completed in 2023–24: No audit was conducted.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023–24: No evaluation was conducted.

This TPP is scheduled for an evaluation starting in May 2026, subject to changes to the CER’s Evaluation, Review, and Audit Plan.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023–24:

Some funding opportunities, like the like the Onshore Pipeline Regulations Review and Indigenous Oversight Forum, are designed based on input from participants in the preceding phases, subject to budget availability.

Recipients of contributions provide feedback on the claim form (financial report). Grant recipients are sent a feedback survey. Responses are compiled quarterly and reported against DRF measure I4. G&C staff also respond to questions and issues raised by recipients in meetings, by email or by phone.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021–22 actual spending 2022–23 actual spending 2023–24 planned spending 2023–24 total authorities available for use 2023–24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023–24 actual minus 2023–24 planned)
Total grants 228,000 229,634 4,835,867 4,835,867 1,131,334 (3,704,533)
Total contributions 814,825 1,034,214 1,864,067 1,964,286 1,712,353 (151,714)
Total other types of transfer payments n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total program 1,042,825 1,263,848 6,699,934 6,800,153 2,843,687 (3,856,247)

Explanation of variances

The CER does not control the events which trigger demand for funding (i.e., number of pipeline applications submitted by industry to the CER, number of Indigenous peoples potentially impacted, and level of participation of the Indigenous communities.) Therefore, it is normal for there to be years with lapses (as in 2022-23 and 2023-24) and years with higher demand for which a reprofile is required to offset the forecasted deficit.

The difference between actual spending undertaken and planned spending for Grants and Contributions is highly impacted by changes to timing of the CER activities for which the funding is being provided and the timing of recipients providing the supporting documentation for payment, and in the case of contributions the amount paid may be less than that awarded due to ineligible costs of fewer costs to reimburse than planned. These factors are beyond the control of the G&C program.

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