ARCHIVED – National Energy Board Cost Recovery Regulations for the Electricity Industry – Regulation Process
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Regulation Process
Hotel Queen Elizabeth, Montréal
2 June 2005
Overview of the Federal Regulation Process
- Legal considerations when drafting Regulations
- The Regulation Process
- Brief overview of the new User Fees Act
- Consultation Process
- Timeline
Legal Considerations
- The Constitution Act, 1867
- Statutory Instrument Act, ss. 19.1
- Statutory Instruments Regulations
- Official Languages Act
- Financial Administration Act, Chap. F-11
- User Fees Act, 2004, Chap. 6
- National Energy Board Act, R.S.C. 1985, Chap. N-7, s. 24.1
- National Energy Board Cost Recovery Regulations, SOR/91-7
- International Agreements
- The Government of Canada Regulatory Policy
- The Policy on Service Standards for External Fees, 29 Nov. 2004. [replace the External Charging Policy]
- Etc.
Regulation Process

Regulation Process
Slide description
Phase 1:
- Conception and Development
- Consultation: Inateractive process
Phase 2:
- Drafting Regulations
- Legal drafting
Phase 3:
- Examination by DOJ and PCO
- Ministerial and TB approvals
Phase 4:
- Pre-Publication Canada Gazette, Part I
- Comment Period
Phases 1 to 4: Phases for Stakeholders Consultations
User Fees Act (UFA)
Phase 5:
- Submission Final to DOJ, PCO and TB
Phase 6:
- Canada Gazette, Part II
Regulation Process: UFA Phases

Regulation Process: UFA Phases
Slide description
Phase 1:
- Consultation with stakeholders, TB / PCO
- Establish standards Comparable with other countries
- Conduct Impact Assessment / relevant factors for decision to amend the user fees
Phase 2:
- Notification Fees Proposal
- Input from stakeholders
- If there is a complaint:
- Independent Panel review of Complaint
- NEB considers Panel Recommendation
- Stakeholders provided with Panel Recommendation
- NEB Tables User Fees in Parliament
- If there is no complaint:
- NEB Tables User Fees in Parliament
Phase 3:
- Parliamentary Tabling - 2 Houses - Resolution
Phases 4 to 6:
- NEB submits User Fees Proposal to TB for approval
- Canada Gazette Part I with Comment Period
- Canada Gazette Part II
Consultation Process
The importance of the Consultation Process:
- to identify concerns
- disclose to stakeholders information relevant to the amendment and management of an external charge
- to allow stakeholders an opportunity to provide their input and to receive timely and considered feedback from the NEB.
Regulation Process - Timeline
The duration of the regulation process can vary.
The process may be delayed if:
- the regulation is complex
- the issue is controversial
- the magnitude of potential impact is high
- etc.
Regulation Process - Summary
- Consultation
- Drafting
- Notification of the Fees Proposal
- Parliamentary Tabling
- Forward to Justice and PCO for approval
- Treasury Board approval
- Pre-publication
- Promulgation
The Regulation Process - Conclusion
- You will be consulted during the first 4 phases of the process
- It is a lengthy process
- For the benefit of all the industry and all Canadians
National Energy Board Cost Recovery Regulations for the Electricity Industry
Thank you!
- Date modified: