Pouce Coupé Pipe Line Ltd. – Pouce Coupé Horizontal Directional Drill Pipe Replacement

Project Background
Pouce Coupé Pipe Line Ltd. (Pouce Coupé), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pembina Pipeline Corporation (Pembina) and the general partner of Pembina North Limited Partnership, filed an application for the Pouce Coupé Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) Pipe Replacement Project.
The project will consist of replacement of a section of the existing NPS 8 Pouce Coupé System at the Pouce Coupé River Crossing by means of HDD to mitigate any integrity concerns caused by the active geotechnical hazards in the area. The replacement section is approximately 900 metres (m), including tie-in points, and will cross the Pouce Coupé River approximately 67 m below the river bottom. Approximately 835 m will be replaced through HDD activities and approximately 65 m with a new valve site installation, as the planned HDD will overshoot the existing valve site. The depth at which the pipe will be installed will protect the piping from the erosion and degradation within the riverbed, and the slope movement geohazards within the river valley. Upon successful completion and tie-in of the new NPS 8 pipe, Pouce Coupé will decommission approximately 900 m of existing NPS 8 pipe in place. The decommissioned pipe will be cut, purged and capped.
Project construction is planned to commence on 1 June 2024, with an expected project-in-service date in July 2024.
Timeline and Documents
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Canada Energy Regulator
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Canada Energy Regulator
Email: media@cer-rec.gc.ca
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