NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. – Sundre Crossover
What’s New
- December 28, 2017 – NEB approves Sundre Crossover Project, with reasons to follow [Filing A88915]
- December 18, 2017 – Did you miss the oral hearing? We have a transcript [Filing A88760] and an audio recording on our website.
- September 6, 2017 – NEB issues Hearing Order GH-002-2017 [Filing A85867]
- March 24, 2017 – NGTL submits Project Application [Filing A82246]
Project Information
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) filed an application on March 24, 2017 asking the National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) for approval of NGTL’s proposed Sundre Crossover Project (Sundre Crossover).
The Sundre Crossover would consist of approximately 21 km of 1,067 mm (NPS 42) outside diameter pipe to transport sweet natural gas from the upstream (north) connections on the existing NPS 30 Edson Mainline (Jackson Section) and the NPS 42 Edson Mainline Loop (Sundre Section), both in SW 13-33-5 W5M, to the downstream (south) connections on the existing NPS 42 Western Alberta System Mainline Loop (Cremona Section) and NPS 36 Western Alberta System Mainline (Airdrie Section), both in SE 23-31-5 W5M.
The proposed pipeline right-of-way (RoW) for the Project will be alongside and contiguous to an existing Enbridge pipeline RoW and other linear disturbances for approximately 96 per cent of its length.
NGTL has applied to the NEB under section 58 of the National Energy Board Act. In general, these types of applications do not require a public hearing. However, in light of concerns raised by a number of local residents, the NEB has decided to hold a hearing in order to consider the input of those who could be directly affected or who have expertise to share.
Project Map
This map provides an overview of the project.

View larger PDF version [PDF 2239 KB]
Hearing Process
The NEB will hold a public hearing on December 18, 2017 and decide whether or not this project should proceed. The Board will provide more information about the steps and deadlines for this hearing at a later date.
Key Milestones
- December 28, 2017: NEB issues letter decision with reasons to follow
- December 18, 2017: Oral hearing begins
- December 11, 2017: NGTL replies to Intervenors’ written evidence
- December 4, 2017: Intervenors submit written evidence
- September 8 – 28, 2017: Apply to Participate
- September 6, 2017: NEB issues Hearing Order GH-2-2017 [Filing A85867]
- March 24, 2017: Project application is submitted [Filing A82246]
Support for Hearing Participants
The NEB has assigned a Process Advisor for this Project. The Process Advisor’s role is to support the public (e.g., landowners, concerned citizens, environmental non-governmental organizations) and the Aboriginal groups that are participating in public hearings.
Process Advisor – Support for Hearing Participants
For more information, please contact Monica Rodriguez-Galvez by calling 1-800-899-1265 extension 3656 or 403-299-3656, or by email:
Apply to Participate
To be a participant in a NEB hearing process, you must be directly affected or have relevant information or expertise. You can apply to participate as an intervenor or by letter of comment.
Email is not a valid method of filing regulatory documents with the NEB. Comments received by email will not be considered. You must apply to participate.
The application to participate process was held from September 8 – 28, 2017.
The process is now closed. The NEB will decide if late applications will be accepted and whether you will be allowed to participate. Please contact the process advisor to discuss the filing process for a late application to participate.
Participant Funding
Participant funding is available for this project. Refer to the Participant Funding Program page for information on deadlines, eligibility, how to apply for funding, and how to submit claims.
News Releases and Fact Sheets
- 15 December 2017 – National Energy Board Hearing for the Sundre Crossover Project Begins on Monday
- National Energy Board – Fact Sheet
Contact Information
Monica Rodriguez-Galvez
Process Advisor
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 416-624-5996
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Rachel Clark
Process Advisor Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone: 403-389-4240
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
For media inquiries, please contact:
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
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