Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC – Salmon River Replacement Project

Project Background
Trans Mountain’s expanded pipeline system (existing Line 1 and Line 2 undergoing commissioning) traverses the residential neighbourhood of Forest Knolls in the Township of Langley, and crosses under the Salmon River. Trans Mountain has identified a potential seismic hazard at this location. To mitigate this hazard, Trans Mountain intends to replace the existing Line 1 river crossing with a new heavy walled pipe that will mitigate the risk of impacts from a seismic event. The Line 1 pipeline replacement will be installed by temporarily isolating the watercourse and trenching to install the new pipe across the ravine and river crossing.
The Project is located on privately-owned lands, municipal lands, and provincial Crown lands, within the traditional territories of Indigenous groups, and in the Township of Langley (the Township) and Metro Vancouver Regional District in the province of British Columbia at kilometre post (KP) 1115.8 on the Line 1 Trans Mountain system. The replacement segment will require one installation of the pipeline (crossing) of Salmon River in an area of provincial Crown land unoccupied by municipal or private development, and one installation/crossing of Glover Road. The Project site extends from the Belmont Golf Course at the western extent to a residential area in the Forest Knolls neighbourhood at the eastern extent.
Prior to proposing an open-cut trenched installation, Trans Mountain assessed the feasibility of trenchless construction methods. These assessments concluded that trenchless construction was not practical due to a combination of extremely soft soil conditions and potential conflict with underground utilities. As such, the replacement segment will be installed through a conventional trenched method. After installation and following successful examination and hydrostatic testing, the segment will then be tied into the existing pipeline system during a scheduled mainline outage. The existing segment will be decommissioned-in-place, which involves being cleaned and isolated, filled with cementitious grout and end capped. Two segments at either end point will be removed as required for tie-in to the existing pipeline system. Access to the Project site will require one or two temporary bridge crossings of the Salmon River, and these bridges will be removed upon completion of the Project.
Trans Mountain intends to apply to the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) in May 2024 for authorization to replace a segment of Line 1, approximately 360 metres in length. Construction of the Project is anticipated to begin in Q2 of 2025.
Trans Mountain commenced formal early engagement activities pursuant to the CER’s Early Engagement Guide on 16 January 2024, and provided an information package, included as Appendix 1, to potentially affected persons and communities as listed in this Notification. No concerns were raised by potentially affected persons or communities regarding the route selection methodology during the early engagement period. Trans Mountain has committed to providing updates to all potentially impacted persons and communities as Project plans progress and will continue engagement during the development and execution of the Project and respond to any concerns or questions received. Trans Mountain concluded early engagement on 16 February 2024. Potentially affected persons and communities, including Indigenous Peoples, will be provided a Notice of Application when the s. 214 application has been filed with the CER and guidelines on how they may advise the CER if they have a concern.
Timeline and Documents
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