Westcoast Energy Inc. – Sunrise Expansion Program
Project Background
Westcoast Energy Inc. is proposing the Sunrise Expansion Program in British Columbia. This project involves building approximately 137 kilometres (km) of 42-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, extending southwest of Chetwynd to the Canada-United States border near Sumas, B.C. The expansion includes several components:
- Eleven pipeline looping segments alongside the existing Westcoast right-of-way, where practical.
- New compressor units at four existing compressor station sites, including electric-driven units and substations at three sites.
- Two new overhead power lines to power the electric-driven compressor units. These total approximately 10 km in length and will follow existing linear disturbances such as pipeline and power line rights-of-way and roadways.
- Facility upgrades and other work at 11 existing compressor station sites.
- New piping and equipment at an existing meter station.
- Decommissioning (and removing) 350 metres of previously deactivated pipeline.
Timeline and Documents
Early Engagement
The CER requires companies to conduct engagement activities with Indigenous Peoples, landowners and other potentially affected stakeholders, early in the planning of the project and continue these activities throughout the lifecycle of the project. The early engagement phase occurs between the time a company initiates conceptual plans to develop a project until a company submits its application to the CER. The early engagement phase is important because it creates the foundation for a company to develop positive relationships with people potentially affected by the project.
The CER also conducts early engagement and initiates public engagement activities, such as public information sessions on the application review and hearing process. Potential issues that landowners, municipalities and other stakeholders identify will be shared with the Commission of the CER (the Commission) and the company.
The CER is committed to transparent processes built on early engagement and inclusive participation. The CER also considers the best available scientific information, data, and Indigenous Knowledge in decision-making.
Details of the CER’s expectations and role in early engagement are explained in our Early Engagement Guide. Upcoming information sessions will be posted in the “Hearings, Information Sessions and Conferences.”
Participant funding
Participant funding is available to facilitate the participation of eligible intervenors in this hearing process and is administered independently of the Commission and the Crown Consultation Coordinator.
Indigenous Peoples not involved in Crown consultation activities, individuals (such as landowners), and non-industry not-for-profit groups with a direct local interest or expertise on the anticipated effects of the Project that are registering to participate as an intervenor may apply for participant funding. Please complete and send the funding application form [PDF 241 KB] by email to pfp.pafp@cer-rec.gc.ca on or before 29 August 2024. Funding determinations will be communicated after the Commission confirms the list of intervenors.
Indigenous Peoples participating in Crown consultation activities should already have a funding agreement in place and do not need to follow the process described above. Questions about participant funding can be emailed to pfp.pafp@cer-rec.gc.ca
How can we support you
Get Information
Process Advisor
Canada Energy Regulator
Email: sunrise.help@cer-rec.gc.ca
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Email: media@cer-rec.gc.ca
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Crown Consultation Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Email: sunrise.crownconsultation@cer-rec.gc.ca
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
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