Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC – Westridge Delivery Line Relocation
What’s New
- May 15, 2020 – Westridge Delivery Line Relocation decision [Filing C06322]
- January 23, 2020 – Trans Mountain files reply argument. Hearing record is closed. [Filing C04269]
- January 2, 2020 – CER issues Procedural Update #2 [Filing C03923]
Project Information
Trans Mountain has applied to the National Energy Board (NEB) for permission to install a 3.6 km delivery line through Burnaby Mountain, within a tunnel, from the company’s Burnaby Terminal to its Westridge Marine Terminal. If approved, this pipeline would relocate and replace the delivery line that is currently operating between Trans Mountain’s Burnaby Terminal and Westridge Marine Terminal.
The Trans Mountain Expansion Project, approved in 2016, includes the construction of two new delivery lines, within the tunnel, that will link the company’s two terminals. If Trans Mountain’s application is approved, Trans Mountain would be authorized to construct and operate an additional delivery line that would run parallel to the two new delivery lines.
For more information on the TMEP and the Certificate, please visit Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC – Trans Mountain Expansion.
Project Map
This map provides an overview of the project.

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Key Milestones
- September 18, 2019 – CER seeks comments on resumption of hearing [Filing C01686]
- October 11, 2018 – CER issues Ruling #4 on Temporary Adjournment of Hearing [Filing A94748]
- September 10-21, 2018 – NEB seeks comments on the impact of the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision [Filing A93954]
- June 18, 2018: NEB releases List of Participants and Amended Timetable of Events [Filing A92558]
- May 18, 2018: National Energy Board issued Hearing Order MH-048-2018 [Filing A92041]
- February 2, 2018 – NEB issues project summary to Indigenous Peoples [A89775]
- December 21, 2017: Trans Mountain submits its application [Filing A88837]
List of Issues
The National Energy Board will only consider issues that are relevant to the Westridge Delivery Line Relocation. The Board will not reconsider items that were already determined during the Trans Mountain Expansion Project hearing.
The NEB has identified the following issues for consideration in this hearing:
- The need for the Project.
- The economic feasibility of the Project.
- The poential commercial impacts of the Project.
- The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the Project, including any cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the Project, including those required to be considered by the NEB’s Filing Manual.
- The appropriateness of the general route and land requirements for the Project.
- The suitability of the design of the Project.
- Potential impacts of the project on Aboriginal interests.
- Contingency planning for spills, accidents or malfunctions, during construction and operation of the Project.
- Safety and security during construction of the proposed project and operation of the project, including emergency response planning and third-party damage prevention.
- The terms and conditions to be included in any approval the Board may issue.
Apply to Participate
The application to participate process was held from May 18 – June 8, 2018. The process is now closed.
NEB Contacts
For process-related inquiries, please contact:
Process Advisor
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
For media inquiries, please contact:
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
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