2023–24 Annual Report of the Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator – 2024-25 Look Ahead

Sunset over river and mountains in British Columbia

2024-25 Look Ahead

During the 2024-25 fiscal year, the Commission will continue to adjudicate tolls and tariffs applications presently before it. This includes hearings for the Final Interim Tolls for Trans Mountain and the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. Compliance filing.

The Commission also expects to receive applications for the expansion of existing pipeline infrastructure, including two CER Act section 183 applications, and will continue to adjudicate compensation-related matters related to existing and proposed infrastructure developments. The Commission will continue to assess Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Ltd.’s requests under the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act discussed above.

The five-year review of ACE and SAM COM will continue into 2024-25 with the release of the Commission's decisions on the set-aside and collection mechanisms for companies using trusts to fund abandonment. This work will mark the final phases of the review.

During the 2024-25 fiscal period, the Commission will seek additional efficiency improvements to its adjudication processes and will pilot measures to reduce the time between receiving an application under section 214 of the CER Act and determining its completeness. The Commission also plans to extend these efficiency measures to other types of applications, including those under section 183 of the CER Act.

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