Electricity Generation and Consumption
In 2018, Manitoba generated 36.9 terawatt hours (TW.h) of electricity. Almost all (97%) of its generation was derived from hydroelectricity. Wind contributed approximately 3% to Manitoba’s electricity generation. (Figure 13)
In 2017, annual electricity consumption per capita in Manitoba was 16.1 megawatt hours (MW.h).
Figure 13: Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, 2018

Source: CER - Canada’s Energy Future 2019
This pie chart shows electricity generation by source in Manitoba. A total of 36.9 TW.h of electricity was generated in 2018.
Electricity Provider
Manitoba Hydro is a crown corporation governed through the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board. Manitoba Hydro generates, transmits, and distributes electricity. Manitoba’s electricity rates are regulated by the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba (PUB). Rates are based on the cost to provide the utility service.
Energy Cost
Manitoba’s energy cost is 8.740 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kW.h).
Basic Monthly Charge
Manitoba Hydro has a minimum monthly charge (basic monthly charge) of $8.62 for customers with service less than 200 amps. For customers with service greater than 200 amps, the basic monthly charge is $17.24.
Figure 14: Manitoba Monthly Electricity Bill Break-down and Appliance Costs
Source: Manitoba Public Utilities Board, Manitoba Hydro
This interactive dashboard shows Manitoba residents what it costs to run various appliances based on the different lengths of time they are operated. The data for these graphs is available.
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