Electricity Generation and Consumption
In 2018, Quebec generated 213.7 terawatt hours (TW.h) of electricity. About 95% of Quebec’s electricity is produced from hydroelectricity. Other sources of electricity generation include natural gas (mainly for peak winter demand), diesel (for power in remote communities), and biomass. (Figure 17)
In 2017, annual electricity consumption per capita in Quebec was 21 MW.h.
Figure 17: Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, 2018

Source: CER - Canada’s Energy Future 2019
This pie chart shows electricity generation by source in Quebec. A total of 213.7 TW.h of electricity was generated in 2018.
Electricity Provider
Hydro-Québec, a crown corporation, provides electricity service to residents of Quebec. The Hydro -Québec Act governs Hydro-Québec’s operations. Residential electricity rates are set periodically by the Régie de l’énergie.
The adoption, in December 2019, of the Act to simplify the process for establishing electricity distribution rates establishes a rate freeze for all customers applicable on April 1, 2020. For the four following years, the rate adjustment for residential customers is established according to inflation. Residential electricity rates will now be set every five years by the Régie de l’énergie.
Energy Cost
Use of up to 40 kW.h per day is billed at 6.08 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kW.h), and anything above 40 kW.h per day is billed at 9.38 ¢/kW.h.
System Access Charge
Hydro-Québec charges a system access charge. The charge is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the consumption period by the per-day-charge. It is $0.4064 per day.
Figure 18: Quebec Monthly Electricity Bill Break-down and Appliance Costs
Source: Hydro-Québec
This interactive dashboard shows Quebec residents what it costs to run various appliances based on the different lengths of time they are operated. The data for these graphs is available.
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